Thursday 30 March 2017

Bharmma tempel in puskar

Brahma temple in Pushkar, Rajasthan

About Brahma temple:

Lord Brahma The Creator
Brahma temple in Pushkar is truly a worthy visit. The temple is dedicated to Lord Brahma. The temple was built in the 14th century in close proximity to the Pushkar Lake. There are a number of features of the temple that will surely attract your attention. Features like the walls of the temple being wrapped up with silver coins reflect a great art work. There is also a great silver turtle on the floor. This turtle also attracts a lot of tourists and also helps in enhancing the beauty of the temple compound. However, before watching all these, you will surely come across a Goose at the gateway of the temple. The goose is actually believed to be the carrier of Lord Brahma and its presence right the entry bears a lot of significance. The splendid architecture of the temple is a major draw for the tourists. On visiting the temple, you will be able to know a lot about the Rajasthani architecture. It will also give you an idea about the culture and tradition of the place.

The Brahma temple in Pushkar is the only temple in India that is dedicated Lord Brahma. Apart from this, the temple also has a number of other spiritual significance attached to it. There are also a number of beliefs attached to it. It is believed that the temple had been formed by an accident. It was the accidental fall of a lotus flower from the palms of Lord Brahma that created the temple. As the flower fell into the Pushkar valley, it created a lake that boasts divine beauty. This lake later became popular as the Pushkar Lake. The serene beauty of the place acts as a perfect place to host the beautiful Brahma temple. The spiritual importance attracts a lot of Hindu devotees from different parts of the world. Hence, a visit to the temple also reflects the various rituals of the Hindu religion.
Hence, what are you waiting for? Plan your tour to Pushkar soon and go for a tour to the place. It will surely be a great experience as you will be able to visit the splendid Brahma temple

The temple is visited by pilgrims and also by the holy men and sages, after taking a ceremonial sacred bath in the Pushkar lake.It is also a practice that visit to the Brahma temple is followed by worship of his consort Gayatri, followed by visits to other temples as convenient.
The temple is open for worship between 6:30 am and 8:30 pm during winter and 6:00 am to 9:00 pm during summer, with an interval in afternoon between 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm when the temple is closed.Three aratis are held in the temple: Sandhya arati in the evening about 40 minutes after sunset, Ratri Shayan arati (night-sleep arati) about 5 hours past sunset and Mangala arati in the morning, about 2 hours before sunrise.
The priests at the Brahma temple refer to a strictly followed religious practice. House-holders (married men) are not allowed to enter the sanctum sanctorum to worship the deity. Only ascetics (sanyasis) can perform the puja to the deity. Hence, all offerings by pilgrims are given, from the outer hall of the temple, through a priest who is a sanyasi. The priests of the temple, in general in Puskkar, belong to the Parashar gotra (lineage).
Once a year, on Kartik Poornima, the full moon night of the Hindu lunar month of Kartik (October – November), a religious festival is held in Brahma's honour. Thousands of pilgrims come to bathe in the holy Pushkar Lake adjacent to the temple. Various rites are also held at the temple during the fair. The day also marks the famous Pushkar Camel Fair, held nearby.Special rites are performed on all poornimas (full moon days) and amavasyas (new moon days).

Pushkar is said to have over 500 temples (80 are large and the rest are small); of these many are old that were destroyed or desecrated by Muslim depredations during Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's rule (1658–1707) but were re-built subsequently; of these the most important is the Brahma temple. Though the current structur
By Guide

Sunday 12 February 2017


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Radhe krishna

Truth and Facts About Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi Mandir

Bhagwan Krishna (भगवान कृष्ण) is the supreme deity of all demigods of all old, recent religions. Bhagwan Krishna is the protector of Sanatan Dharma, the only dharma which has no beginning or end – other religions are man made so have sustainable period of few hundreds years.
Bhagwan Krishna is Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu, worshiped across many traditions and cultures of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism). After Krishna gave Srimad Bhagwad Gita gyan to Prince Arjun, did the whole world came to know that Krishna is the only supreme God who took Avatar in Dwapar Yug. Initially, this truth was known only to near and dear ones of Bhagwan Krishna.

Why Hindus Are So Sentimental About Their Bhagwan Krishna’s Divine Birth Place
Any harm done to a family member’s house incite anger in the minds of his well wishers. When so much love is bestowed for selfish human beings, then why the eternal love cannot be conveyed to the most merciful, life giver Bhagwan Krishna. Hindus consider Bhagwan Krishna as one of the members of their family. Some revere him as elder brother, some as their kid, others as their father. Bhagwan Krishna is the most merciful loving God who is happy to have connection with his devotees. So any harm done to his abode is sure to hurt Hindus.
Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi is one of the most holiest places for Sanatan Dharmis (Hindus), since it is the birth place of Bhagwan Krishna. It is a prison cell belonging to his mama (maternal Uncle) King Kans where Bhagwan Krishna was born.
Restore Pride of Hindus, GIve true Respect to Bhagwan Krishna Reclaim Krishna Mandir
Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi is temple located in the crowded city of Mathura. Mathura, the birth city of Bhagwan Krishna is situated on the banks of river Yamuna and is approximately 145 km from the capital city Delhi. The town is renowned for being host to the most revered temple of Shri Krishna – the famous Krishna Janma Bhoomi Mandir. Along with neighboring towns Govardhan, Nandgaon and Vrindavan, the area is a major pilgrimage site for the Hindus. The temple is located in the middle of the city mathura.
According to historians, the prison cell, popularly known as ‘Garbha Griha’, in the temple premise is the exact place where Bhagwan Krishna was born. The stone walled cell is reminiscent of the cruelty of King Kans. Many statues and sculptures of the bygone era were found on excavating the site. The prison cell was gradually turned into the present beautiful temple. Lakhs of devotees visit the temple during Janmashtami. The festivities and celebrations during the festival is famous all over India. Celebrations begin during mid night with the birth of Bhagwan.
The prison structure is the place where Bhagwan Krishna took Avatar, which happens only once in a Yug, to establish Dharma. The Dwapar Yug comprise of 864,000 years. So The pious incident of Avatar occur once in the last stages of Yug, which happened in Dwapar Yug, in final stages of 864,000 years. So it took almost 862,000 years for a Krishna to take Avatar. That is the reason that Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple is the most visited temple in Mathura. Its predominance also confirms the belief that it is the same place where Bhagwan Krishna divinely took birth to Devaki and Vasudev. Numerous articles excavated from the site bare testimony to the history of Sri Krishna’a birth. The security of the most sacred place in Mathura is always on high alert. Next to great temple of Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi, an anti-Vedic structure, mosque, is present which is symbol of encroachment and islamic terrorism.
The mosque was built to spread the evil cult islam among Hindus and obstruct the Hindus from visiting the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple by terrorist mughal, Aurangzeb. But the melcchas (muslims) failed to deviate the path of Dharma that Hindus follow in Mathura. The eyesore to the pride of Hindus, anti-Vedic, Shahi Mosque, was instituted by a muslim invader Aurangzeb, who destroyed a magnificent temple that stood there for centuries. The present temple is reminiscent of the beautiful temple that stood the time for hundreds of years.

Archaeological and Historical Names of Katara Keshavdev (Mathura) as Birth Place of Shri Krishna

Archaeological and historical evidences show that birth place of Krishna is given different names by the bhakts of Shri Krishna and devotees. In due course of time, surrounding area of birth place of Krishna is also known as “Katara Keshavdev”. Mr. F.S. Grauja, Archaeologist and the then collector of Mathura opined that Katara Keshavdev and surrounding area is known as Mathura alone. From historical literature, the historian Kaniham, informed that there was a Jungle king named Madhu. The place is named after him as “Madhupur” which is known as “Maholi” today. After the defeat of King Madhu, surrounding area of prison presently called as “Bhuteshwar” was called as Mathura and the same was Katara Keshavdev. The historian Kaniham called this as Keshavpur.
Beautiful Shree Krishna Janam Bhoomi Temple in Mathura
Another scholar Dr. Vasudev Sharan Agarwal has called Katara Keshavdev as Krishna Janma Bhoomi. From these different studies and evidences regarding evolution of the name Mathura, Mr. Krishnadatta Vajpayee, the second curator of political museum of Mathura, accepted that Katara Keshavdev is the birth place of Lord Krishna.

Archaeological Evidences and History of Attacks by Muslims

From the analysis of Archaeological research and thousands of archaeological fragments of Katara Keshavdev and the different writings of foreign tourists, it is evident that huge temples were built from time to time at this place. The evidence show that Brajanabh the great grand son of Krishna, has built first temple at the prison of Kans where the Bhagwan Krishna was divinely born.
Shree Krishna Janam Bhoomi - illegal idgah (masjid) at Shree Krishna's Place
From the stones script written in Brahmi script “Mahakshatrap Shodash” (B.D. 80-57) it is evident that a person named Vasu has built a Festonn and yagna kund (यज्ञकुन्ड) at the birth place of Krishna. During the regime of Chandragupta, Vikramaditya, the temple was rebuilt.
During this period this temple was not only the place of Vaidik ritual but also the place of faith for Buddhists, Jains. In A.D.1017 this gracious temple was looted by Mohammed of Ghaznavi. In the book, Tarike Yamini written by Mir Munshi Al-Utabi, it is stated that in the very middle of the city there was an elegant temple, it was so beautiful, it appeared to have been built by the angels. It is very difficult to describe the elegance of the surrounding temples too in words and in pictures. Sultan Mohammed has also stated that if anybody tries to built such a gracious temple, the expenses would be 10 crores of Dinar and it will take not less than 200 years. However, Being a follower of koran, Mohammed destroyed this temple in the heat of anger. The history shows that the very sincere devotion towards Krishna and lively Hinduism inspired a person named Jajja to built another Krishna Janma Bhoomi and during the regime of Maharana Vijaypal Dev of Mathura in 1150, the temple was rebuilt.
The evidence from stones script written in Sanskrit at Katara Keshavdev shows that the temple has become the target of destruction in the evil eyes of Muslim rulers. During the regime of Sikander Lodi, Krishna Janma Bhoomi was once again was destroyed. After about 125 years during the rule of Jahangir King, Vir Sinha Judev Bundela constructed a very huge temple of 250 feet tall at the cost of Rs.33 lakhs. In order to protect the temple from evil eye of Muslim rulers, a tall and strong wall was built around the temple. Even today, we can find the remnants of this wall. As established by the several evidences, Shri Krishna Janm Bhoomi temple was attacked by anti-Hindu muslim rulers time and again, while they followed evil teachings of koran to destroy livelihood, temples of peace loving civilians and culture of idol worshipers.

Destruction of Huge and Marvellous Hindu Temple by Aurangzeb

The Curse of Sages and Fall of Aurangzeb

The foreign tourist from France, Italy have described Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi temple as elegant and master piece of architecture. The tourist Taivaniyar from France, Manuchi from Italy described the temple as beautiful master piece. The apex of temple was covered with Gold and it was so tall that one can see from distance of 36 miles away from the Agra. All these praise worthy writings regarding the temple made Aurangzeb angry and he destroyed the temple in 1669. He was so irritated about the elegance of Hindu temples that bricks and other material recovered from the destruction of temple was used by him to make a big chair. The height of destructive islamic mind of Aurangzeb is nothing but the construction of anti-Vedic evil structure of Idgah at the very birth place of Krishna. Brahmins and Sages had forewarned Aurangzeb of dire consequences for his evil act of destructing Hindu temples and now Shri Krishna Janm Bhoomi temple. Their prophecy became true, Aurangzeb was punished for his evil act of destruction of Keshavdev Mandir as he could not ever live happily, he suffered from the mental agony, sorrow and sickness throughout his life thereafter and could not return back alive from South. The circumstances made his sons oppose him and later they could not even protect the, symbol of terrorism, Idgah during the war time and ultimately Agra and Mathura became part of the Great Maratha Kingdom.
Shree Krishna Janam Bhoomi front view

Business of East India Company on The Bhakti of Hindus

The East India Company later auctioned the place to generate revenue on the emotions of the Hindus. Marathas declared the whole area of Katara Keshavdev including Idgah as unowned property and nobody has taken care of this property. This was grave mistake on the part of erstwhile Marathas, they should have owned the property and constructed a huge Shri Krishna temple over it. Due to fragmentation of strength among Hindu rulers, in 1802 Lord Lake acquired victory over Marathas and Mathura and Agra became territory of East India Company. [The loss of places by Maratha rulers is a lesson for modern Hindus, to remain united and fight aggressively against invaders and mlecchas(anti-Hindus)]. East India Company was managed by cruel, wicked and cunning Britishers, they needed money to take other parts of India in the grip. So they devised several ways to generate income from Hindus which included charging extra money from Hindu pilgrims in their holy places – this evil concept was followed by the precedence set by terrorist mughal rulers. In 1815 East India Company declared auction of Katara Keshavdev area admeasuring 13.37 sq.acres. This area was sold to King Patnimal of Kashi. However, though King wanted to built a gracious temple in the memory of Bhagwan Krishna, to fulfill the demands of millions of Hindus, the Muslims took wrong objection that the auction was only for Katara Keshavdev and not for anti-Vedic structure, Idgah. The dispute was initiated by muslims which instigated further rift among peaceful Hindus and trouble maker muslims. The unfair and illegal demand of muslims took the course of disputes to legal battle.
Shree Krishna Janm Bhoomi Mandir - terrorist aurangzeb tried to demolish Hindu temple

Legal Case of Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi

In the year 1878, for the first time, Muslims registered the case. They stated that Katara Keshavdev is property of Idgah and Idgah was built by Aurangzeb. In this case evidence was demanded from Mathura jurisdiction. The then collector secretary Mr. Tailor stated that this area was unowned in the regime of Maratha. However, the East India Company has also considered the area as unclaimed. Subsequently, in the year 1815 King Patnimal purchased the area in the auction. He further added that according to the verdict, King Patnimal was the owner of the area including other constructions and Idgah, since he paid for the entire area admeasuring 13.37 sq.acres. So any construction happening within the premise is fully owned by King Patnimal. Muslims became peechless, because they cribbed without any substantial evidence of legal ownership. And since the original temple of Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi belonged to Hindus and later to Hindu King Patnimal, their false claim was overturned.
Aurangzeb tried to destroy Shree Krishna Janam Bhoomi Mandir
Second time the case was registered as Ahmed Shah V/s. Gopi under section 447/352 I.P.C. Mathura in the court of second class Magistrate, Anthony. In this case, Ahmed Shah alleged that the watchman of Idgah, Gopi, was constructing a road in the western side of Katara Keshavdev. However, that road is the property of Idgah and hence, Ahmed Shah stopped Gopi from improving the road. In this case, the learned judge gave decision that the road was the property of family Patnimal and allegation made by Ahmed Shah was completely untrue. The cunning ploy to establish somehow ownership of Idgah again fell flat.
The Third case was made by the district judge of Agra in the civil court. Appeal No.236 of 1921 and 276 of 1920. This appeal was made in opposition to the decision given by Judge Hoper of Mathura. In the verdict of this case, it is stated that East India Company had auctioned entire area and sold to King Patnimal at Rs.1140/- and tax was collected by the King. In the court verdict, decision is given as the disputable area is not of Idgah as Idgah is property of King Patnimal. So King and his heirs had every right to collect tax on their own land.

Declaration of the Hindu Rights on Entire Area of Shri Krishna Janm Bhoomi

Muslims by any which means wanted illegal ownership of anti-Vedic strucure, Idgah. In the year 1928, Muslims installed a mill for maintenance and renovation of Idgah. Again the case was registered in the Court of Law and learned Pandit Bishan Narayan Tankha gave the verdict that Katara Keshavdev is the property of descendants of Raja Patnimal and hence neither renovation of Idgah nor installation of mill is allowed. On 7.2.1944 Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya expressed his desire to build Shri Krishna Temple at that place. From the inspiration of M.M.Malviya, Jugal Kishore Birla purchased the entire area at Rs.13,400/- and a trust was formed by Madan Mohan Malviya, Hanuman Prasad Potdar & Bhikamal Atriya.
Anti-Hindu Idgah guided by CRPF- Shame on Hindus of Mathura and Bharat
Being liars and dishonest to the core, Muslims again placed another shallow argument to somehow make the claim on the Idgah. So again case was registered by the trust on the point that due to some mistake the name of the Idgah is not on the Govt. documents and the area was sold at a very low price. The claim was based on such a fragile statement that again they lost the case, since in their own statement they clarified that the place ws sold and already owned by Hindu King Patnimal. In 1946 the case was rejected and verdict was given as Katara Keshavdev is property of the descendants of Raja Patnimal and subsequently, it is sold to Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi Trust. In this way, the case was rejected by the learned Judge.
Subsequently, in the year 1960 when again the case was reopened the verdict given by the Judge was as follows.
“On the analysis of the accounts of Municipal Council of Mathura and other evidences, it is learnt that land tax is paid by the trust and hence, Idgah is the property of Krishna Janma Bhoomi Sanstha. Muslims have right to go to Idgah only on the occasion of Id for Namaj.”
Even after several court rulings, muslims turned to ploy of deceit and sweet talk, they continued to pursue VHP and other Hindu organizations to give them some leeway on the ownership of idgah. In 1968 the SKJS (Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi Sanstha) and the idgah committee reached an agreement granting ownership of the land to the temple trust – dominated by the VHP including erstwhile VHP President Vishnu Hari Dalmia – even as the management rights of the masjid were left to the idgah committee; which was in a way submission by Hindus. Since the entire land is owned by Hindus so giving management of idgah to muslims was completely irrelevant decision and not conducive to construction of monumental Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi Temple. The agreement deprived the trust of the legal right to stake a claim on the masjid. Meanwhile, Manohar Lal Sharma, a devout Hindu and resident of Brindaban, who filed a case in the Allahabad High Court seeking a restraint on Muslims offering namaz five times a day also filed another petition in the Mathura District Court challenging the 1968 agreement.
The model of proposed Ram Janam Bhoomi Mandir can be seen below, similarly, we need to have an Elegant and Wonderful Design of Shree Krishna Janam Bhoomi Temple

Elegant and wonderful Model of Shree Krishna Janam Bhoomi is Awaited by Hindus
Recently, the Mathura administration again found clinching evidence which further proves the Hindus’ claim that the Shahi Mosque at Mathura was built over Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple. According to the locals, on August 14 the local administration started digging in the courtyard of the mosque for construction of some rooms for the security staff. During the digging the labourers found stone pillars, carving and an idol of a Hindu God. They immediately reported that matter to the authorities.
As news of the recovery of the idol from the courtyard of the Shahi Mosque spread, senior police and administrative officials and members of Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Trust reached the spot. Meanwhile, the patron of the Trust, Shri Gopeshwar Chaturvedi, told media that during digging between August 14 and 17, besides carved stones and pillars, an idol of a Hindu God with a snake over its head was found.

Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi Mandir Should Be The World’s Most Beautiful and Elegant Temple Covering Entire Land Owned by Trust

A Hindu movement is underway to reinstate this temple. The awareness campaign among Hindus would help in uniting the Hindus for the construction of Shri Krishna Janam Bhoomi Temple. Spread and share this post among devout Hindu brothers and sisters and become part of the pre-movement. Proponence of Vedic culture and tradition is the only key for keeping India secured and united. Any rise of anti-Vedic culture means another partition of India as it happened in 1947. It is upto us to keep India secure for next generation of Hindus.
The fact is that the eyesore of Hindus, Idgah, is the property of Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi Trust. Even as on today, land tax for the entire area including Idgah is being paid by the Trust and in series of judgements made, it is clear that Idgah is the property of Krishna Janma Bhoomi Trust completely owned by them. Hindus should have demolished the Idgah long time back, there is no wrong in dismantling the symbol of terrorism, that was constructed harming our Hindu ethos and Shri Krishna temple. Idgah is the property of Hindus, they are paying taxes for the anti-Vedic structure and complete management of that should be immediately given to the Hindus.
Once the management comes into the hands of Hindus, we will demolish the pathetic Idgah, perform yagna, do complete shuddhikaran of the place and build a very huge gracious monument of Shree Krishna at the place, which will be the spiritual centre of the whole world from where the preaching of the pious knowledge, Srimad Bhagwad Geeta will be spread for the betterment of the world.

Radha kund and syam kund and other kunds story

Radha Kund and Shyama Kund

Radha Kund and Shyama Kund

Radha & Shyama Kund, Govardhan;
       Radha Kund and Shyama Kund, the two most spiritually surcharged Kunds (ponds), are located in a village called Arita about 3 miles north-east of Govardhan and fourteen miles from Mathura and Vrindavan.
       Radha Kund is the holiest place in all of Brahma’s creation. Radha Kund and Shyama Kund represent the eyes of Govardhan, which is in the shape of a peacock. This is the place where Radha and Krishna performed their most intimate and most sweet pastimes.
Krishna is killing a demon Arishtasura;
       One of the demons by the name Arishta, sent by the evil Kamsa to kill Krishna and Balarama, assumed the form of a bull and attacked Krishna. But he was easily overpowered and was instead killed by the Lord. This pastime took place in the afternoon when Krishna and His cowherd friends were herding the cattle.

       That night when Krishna went to meet His beloved Srimati Radharani, She jokingly forbade Him to touch Her and said, “Today, You have killed a bull, which belongs to the cow family. You have therefore committed the sin of killing a cow. Please do not touch My pure body.”
       Krishna smilingly replied that the bull was in fact a very dangerous demon and so by killing it He incurred no sin. But Radharani refused to accept this explanation and Her sakhis also supported Her.

       Krishna then asked how He could atone for the sin. In reply, Radharani said that the only way to atone the sin is to take bath in every holy place in the world. To fulfill Her desire Krishna created a large kunda by striking the ground with His heel. He then summoned all the holy places from all over the planet. When they appeared Krishna asked their personified forms to enter in to the Kunda in the form of water, which they promptly did. Within moments the kunda was filled with the most pure and sacred water. Krishna then bathed in it and approached Radharani, having atoned for the sin of killing a bull. He bragged about how His kunda was the most beautiful and how great He was in creating such a kunda. Hearing Her beloved boast in such a manner, Radharani along with Her sakhis decided to create an even more exquisite kunda adjacent to the one created by Krishna, by digging the place with their bracelets. When not a drop of water manifested in the kunda, Krishna said that they could take water from His kunda. Radharani refused and She along with Her sakhis decided to fill Her kunda by carrying water from Manasi-ganga in clay water pots. Sri Krishna signalled to the holy places that they should insist that Radharani and Her sakhis fill up their kunda with water from His. The holy places personified prayed to Radharani and Her sakhis and pleased them by glorifying them in many ways. She then mercifully gave them the permission to enter Her kunda, and immediately a current of water flowed from Krishna-kunda to Radha-kunda.
Shyama Kund, Govardhan;

       After Radha-kunda was filled with holy waters of the entire planet, Lord Krishna told Srimati Radharani that Her kund would be the most famous place in the world and that He would daily bathe in Her kunda. Lord Krishna declared that Radha-kunda is as dear to Him as Srimati Radharani Herself and anyone who bathes in it will get Her love. Radha kunda is the personified love of Srimati Radharani.
Radha Kund, Govardhan;
        These two kundas manifested at midnight on krishnashtami (the eighth day of the dark moon) in the month of Kartika; therefore, thousands of people bathe here at midnight on this day, which is known as Bahulashtami.

       Since these are the places where Radha and Krishna performed their most intimate and sweet pastimes, Srila Prabhupada, told that we should not approach Radha Kund in a familiar or light manner. Otherwise it would not help us to advance in our spiritual life. We should approach these pastimes with great reverence and should not treat them as something ordinary or talk about it lightly. We should consider these pastimes to be way above our heads and should aspire to be the servants of the servants of those who have realized the glories of Sri Radha Kunda.

The Mentality of Arishtasura

       Arishtasura represents one of the very serious obstacles on the path of devotional service: the propensity to consider oneself very religious, and to follow the principles of religion invented by other conditioned souls—while criticizing the path of devotional service. This is a very serious obstacle, and it’s everywhere. In the name of religion, in this age of Kali, there is so much concoction: what is religion is taken to be irreligion and what is irreligion is taken to be religion. There are people presenting so many different ideas about God, about who is God and how to attain God.
       Some people say that there is one path and it doesn’t matter what God you worship, it doesn’t matter what deity you worship, because ultimately, I am God, you are God, and everything is God; you just somehow purify yourself by concentrating yourself, your attention on some kind of divinity, and you will become Bhagavan. Hundreds and millions of people in this world believe in this. And then when we tell them Krishna is God, that Bhakti is the real process, they criticize—what is this sectarianism? What is this close mindedness? What is all this austerities and renunciation you are talking about? You just worship any God, any demigod, it doesn’t matter. Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur declared war against these misconceptions.
      But we sometimes tend to become affected by all this propaganda. Then it becomes very, very great obstacle in devotional service.

       We should therefore understand what Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:
       Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet. (BG 7.23)
        So we should not be mislaid by false propaganda.
       And even, often times, people who declare Krishna to be God, have so many different conceptions without knowing what actually the truth is.

       Therefore Krishna says:

 Evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
Sa kaleneha mahata yogo nastah parantapa (B.G. – 4.2)
       If we take the truth from a proper disciplic succession of great acharyas, we then understand what is what. 

       So many people are dragged away from the process of devotional service, due to this type of association—represented by Arishtasura.

      Kamsa worshipped Shiva, considered himself a very, very religious man, and he sent Arishtasura to promote hisreligiosity. What was the purpose? To kill Krishna. Similarly, all these Arishtasuras who are preaching principles that are contrary to pure devotional service, they are coming to attack Krishna in our hearts. Therefore, we must defend ourselves by maintaining proper association, by understanding philosophically what our siddhanta is, and ultimately by crying out to Krishna for help by chanting his holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Jihva Mandir

Jihva Mandir, Govardhan;
       Raghunath Das Goswami wanted to dig a well so that the Vrajvasis would not wash their clothes in Radha-Kunda. While digging the well the workers hit upon a rock and blood began to come out of that rock. Raghunath Das Goswami immediately stopped the digging. Later on, Lord Krishna appeared in his dream and told him that He was non-different from Govardhan and the rock that was hit upon was the tongue of Giriraj. Krishna then asked Radhunath Das Goswami to take out that sila and worship it on the altar.

       Even to this day the Govardhan sila representing the tongue of Giriraj is worshipped with Tulasi leaves and water from the Radha-kunda as instructed by Lord Krishna to Das Goswami.

Excavation of Radha Kunda and Shyam Kunda

Lord Krishna in the mood of Srimati Radharani in Govardhan;

       Generally it is noted that after the great spiritual personalities wind up their pastimes in this material world, the places associated with them are lost to the world in due course of time. The Lord then arranges these places to re-manifest to the world through His pure loving devotees, in order to reveal to the world the glories of these devotees.

       After Krishna disappeared from this world, Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda were also lost to the world.

       The pastime of how Radha-kunda and Shyama-kunda were revealed to the world through one of the most intimate and pure devotees of Lord Chaitanya, Srila Raghunath Das Goswami.

       Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda were lost to the world for a long time. Then in 1550 Lord Chaitanya came to Vrindavan on the day of Kartika Poornima and stayed in Vrindavan for two months.

Place where Lord Chaitania found Radha and Shyama Kunds;
       Lord Caitanya was searching for Aritagram, because according to the scriptures this is the place where the famous Radha-Kunda and Shyama Kund were present. So one day Lord Caitanya sat under a Tamala tree and while meditating upon Radha-Kunda and Shyama- Kunda, He saw two bodies of water in a nearby paddy field. Lord Caitanya who is none other then Radha and Krishna, could immediately identify them as Radha Kunda & Shyama Kunda. He very happily took the waters of the kundas and applied tilaka on His body using the clay from Radha-kunda.
 Lord very happily took the waters of the kundas
and applied tilaka on His body using the clay from Radha-kunda;
        Raghunath Das Goswami witnessed Lord Chaitanya’s pastimes at Puri, and after the departure of Lord Caitanya and His associates he came to Vrindavan. Sanatana Goswami instructed him to stay near Radha-Kunda where he daily spoke for 3 hours on Gaur Lila. He performed his bhajan at Radha-Kunda. One time Raghunath Das Goswami, understanding the mood of Lord Chaitanya, was thinking that Lord Caitanya wanted the holy places of Vrindavan to be excavated for the benefit of all people. But at that time Radha-Kunda & Shyama-Kunda were just two small ponds. Raghunath Das Goswami thought of excavating them but he didn’t want to entangle himself in money etc. Radha & Krishna understood his heart. At the same time a wealthy merchant was on his way to Badrikasrama with the intention of building a beautiful temple for Lord Badrinath. Badrinath appeared in the dream of that merchant and instructed him to excavate Radha-Kunda under the guidance of Raghunath Das Goswami instead. In this way Radha-Kunda & Shyama-Kunda were excavated.
       While excavating Shyama-Kunda, Yudhisthira Maharaj appeared in a dream to Raghunath Das Goswami and told him that he, with his four brothers, were standing there in the form of trees and meditating on the pastimes of Radha & Krishna. So in order to show respect to the Pandavas the trees were left as it is and therefore Shyama-Kunda is not square shaped.

The Highest Position of Sri Radha Kunda

Radha Kund;

       Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is none other than the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna in the compassionate mood of Srimati Radharani, invested within the heart of Rupa Goswami his own divine love and commissioned him to come to Vrindavan and reveal Vrindavan to the world. In Shri Updeshamruta(text 9) Srila Rupa Goswami has written about all holy places in this creation. It is said that Mathura Puri is most sacred because here the Supreme Lord Krishna appeared. Of all the places in Mathura Puri Vrindavan is more sacred because here Krishna performs the Rasa Lila or dances of Vraja. Of all places in forests of Vrindavan, Govardhan is most sacred because such very, very confidential pleasing pastimes are eternally being enacted here. Of all places of Govardhan, the supreme-most of all places in all the spiritual and material worlds is Sri Radha kunda, because it is at Radha-kunda that the highest divine loving relations of Sri Radha and Sri Krishna are enacted. For devotees what is highest is whatever gives Radha and Krishna most pleasure. Because They enjoy each other’s company with highest degree of ecstatic love at Radha kunda, it is considered holiest of all holy places in all of creation.i

                   Write by Aditya sharma

Radha rani

he Legend of Radha-Krishna

The Legend
Young Krishna is known to be very playful and mischievous. The story goes that as a child, Krishna was extremely jealous of Radha's fair complexion since he himself was very dark.

One day, Krishna complained to his mother Yashoda about the injustice of nature which made Radha so fair and he so dark. To pacify the crying young Krishna, the doting mother asked him to go and colour Radha's face in whichever colour he wanted.
In a mischievous mood, naughty Krishna heeded the advice of mother Yashoda and applied colour on her beloved Radha's face; Making her one like himself.

Well, there is also a legend to explain Krishna's dark complexion. It so happened that once a demon attempted to kill infant Krishna by giving him poisoned milk. Because of which Krishna turned blue. But Krishna did not die and the demon shriveled up into ashes.
The beautiful scene of Krishna's prank in which he played colour with Radha and other gopis has been made alive in myriad forms in a number of paintings and murals.

The Celebrations

Somehow, the lovable prank of Krishna where he applied colour on Radha and other gopis using water jets calledpichkaris gained acceptance and popularity. So much so that it evolved as a tradition and later, a full-fledged festival.
Till date, use of colours and pichkaris is rampant in Holi. Lovers long to apply colour on their beloveds face and express their affection for each other.

This legend is wonderfully brought alive each year all over India, particularly in Mathura, Vrindavan, Barsana and Nandgaon-the places associated with Krishna and Radha.
In fact, the entire country gets drenched in the colour waters when it is time for Holi and celebrate the immortal love of Krishna and Radha.

In some states of India, there is also a tradition to place the idols of Radha and Krishna in a decorated palanquin, which is then carried along the main streets of the city. All this while, devotees chant Krishna's name, sing devotional hymns and dance in the name of the lord.

Monday 6 February 2017


he Legend of Radha-Krishna

The Legend
Young Krishna is known to be very playful and mischievous. The story goes that as a child, Krishna was extremely jealous of Radha's fair complexion since he himself was very dark.

One day, Krishna complained to his mother Yashoda about the injustice of nature which made Radha so fair and he so dark. To pacify the crying young Krishna, the doting mother asked him to go and colour Radha's face in whichever colour he wanted.
In a mischievous mood, naughty Krishna heeded the advice of mother Yashoda and applied colour on her beloved Radha's face; Making her one like himself.

Well, there is also a legend to explain Krishna's dark complexion. It so happened that once a demon attempted to kill infant Krishna by giving him poisoned milk. Because of which Krishna turned blue. But Krishna did not die and the demon shriveled up into ashes.
The beautiful scene of Krishna's prank in which he played colour with Radha and other gopis has been made alive in myriad forms in a number of paintings and murals.

The Celebrations

Somehow, the lovable prank of Krishna where he applied colour on Radha and other gopis using water jets calledpichkaris gained acceptance and popularity. So much so that it evolved as a tradition and later, a full-fledged festival.
Till date, use of colours and pichkaris is rampant in Holi. Lovers long to apply colour on their beloveds face and express their affection for each other.

This legend is wonderfully brought alive each year all over India, particularly in Mathura, Vrindavan, Barsana and Nandgaon-the places associated with Krishna and Radha.
In fact, the entire country gets drenched in the colour waters when it is time for Holi and celebrate the immortal love of Krishna and Radha.

In some states of India, there is also a tradition to place the idols of Radha and Krishna in a decorated palanquin, which is then carried along the main streets of the city. All this while, devotees chant Krishna's name, sing devotional hymns and dance in the name of the lord.