Friday 3 February 2017


vāsudeve bhagavati
bhakti-yogah prayojitah
janayaty āśu vairāgyaḿ
jñānaḿ ca yad ahaitukam


      By rendering devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, one immediately acquires causeless knowledge and detachment from the world.

Govardhan hill Story:

Once in Goloka Vrindavan, Lord Sri Krishna informed Srimati Radharani that She should prepare for Their descent to this our material universe to appear on the Earth planet (Jambu dwip) to enact Their transcendental pastimes. Srimati Radharani replied that unless Vraja Dhama, the Yamuna and Govardhan Hill were present there, She would like not come. Krishna assured His Beloved that Vraja Dhama, the Yamuna and Giriraj Govardhan had already made Their appearance on the Earth planet, and were awaiting Srimati's and Krishna's coming.

In ancient times, thousands of years before this conversation between Radha and Krishna, the Vedas say that mountains were living entities who would move, grow and fly and land anywhere they liked. 

Once in the land of Salmali Dvipa, Dronachal's (the personified mountain) wife gave birth to a son named Govardhan. At the time of Govardhan's birth all the demigods appeared in the sky and showered flowers upon him. The great mountains, led by the Himalayas and Sumeru came, offering their respects and prayers, praising Govardhan for having descended from Goloka Vrindavana. They accepted Govardhan as their King, described Him as the "crown jewel of Vraja," and performed parikrama of Govardhan.

At the beginning of Satya Yuga, the great sage Pulastya Muni came to Salmali dvipa. Seeing the beautiful Govardhan covered with many lovely creepers, flowers, rivers, caves and chirping birds, Pulastya Muni felt that Govardhan was capable of granting liberation. He then went to meet Dronachal, who immediately offered his respects and inquired from the sage what service he could render.

Pulastya Muni informed Dronachal that he was on pilgrimage to all the holy places, and that he resided in Kashi. He explained that although Kashi was so auspicious due to the presence of the Ganga flowing through the city, there were no hills possessed of such beauty as Govardhan. He asked Dronachal if he would give his son Govardhan to him so that he could bring Govardhan to Kashi, so that he could perform his tapasya in the pristine environment of the hill.

Dronachal did not want to give up Govardhan and began crying in thoughts of possible separation from his son. Govardhan, not wanting to see Pulastya Muni become angry and curse his father, asked the rishi how he would be able to carry him all the way to Kashi. Pulastya Muni said he would carry him in his right hand. Govardhan agreed to go with the sage giving one condition; if the sage put him down anywhere during the course of the journey, he would not be able to lift him again. Pulastya Muni agreed, and left, carrying Govardhan in his right hand.

On the way to Kasi Pulastya Muni passed through Vraja. Govardhan saw the beauty of the place and wished to remain there. Govardhan then arranged for Pulastya Muni to feel the need to relieve himself, so Pulastya Muni attended to the call of nature, putting Govardhan down. When Pulastya Muni returned, he was unable to again lift Govardhan to any degree, despite the tremendous strength he was using to do so. 

In great anger Pulastya Muni then cursed Govardhan that He would daily sink into the ground, to the extent of one mustard seed a day. When Govardhan first came to Vraja in the beginning of Satya Yuga, he was 64 miles long, 40 miles wide, and 16 miles high. It is explained that after 10,000 years of the Kali Yuga, Govardhan (and Yamuna Devi) will completely disappear.

How one should worship Govardhan hill?

      One should not step on the hill. Lord Chaitanya when he came to visit Govardhan he did not step on the hill.
     Any stones can be worshipped as Govardhan Sila without installation of the diety.

     In the holy month of Kartik, thousands of devotees perform the parikrama of GirirajMaharaj revelling in the joyful, transcendental atmosphere of Govardhan. They walk barefoot the 23 km path around Govardhan, or perform dandavat parikrama, which may take weeks, chanting the Lord’s name and glorifying Giriraj Maharaj praying for pure loving devotion unto the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari.

Yamuna River Story:

The goddess of River – Yami
Twin sister of Yama
Father – Surya, Mother – Saranyu
Krishna Birth
Washed Krishna’s feet
Krishna met all the demons along the banks of Yamuna
Krishna took bath and swam

Condition of Yamuna River in this century

      It is said that, Yamuna is the consort of Lord Shri Krishna. Gokula, the divine abode of the Lord is the home of Yamuna. It is said that the river first went round Shri Krishna before descending down to earth as per the order of her Lord. River Yamuna came to be called as "Kalindi"as she touched the peak of Kalind. Then she descended down the hills and reached the plains at Khandav Vana which has been developed as Delhi city now. Yamuna and Yama are believed to be the offspring of Sun God 'Surya'. Hence it is considered that whoever takes a dip in the holy waters of the source stream of Yamuna may not have fear of death
                                                                                                                       Post by:-
                                Aditya sharma     

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